About Us.

We know better decisions are made when all voices are heard. We clear a path for young people to use their voices and discover a passion for serving their communities.

Our Mission

at Mikva Challenge is to develop youth to be empowered, informed, and active citizens who will promote a just and equitable society.

Our Vision

at Mikva Challenge is envisioning a stronger, inclusive democracy that values youth voice.

Our Values

Youth Voice

  • We value the perspectives and input of young people in the decisions that affect them.
  • We are committed to elevating youth voice and decision-making power.
  • Young people possess expertise about the issues that affect them, their communities and schools.

Civic Education

  • We believe Democracy is a Verb: we teach and learn democracy by doing democracy.
  • We strive to inspire informed, respectful, inclusive and engaged participation in civic life by modeling it ourselves.
  • We believe that being educated about and engaged in the civic life of our communities is necessary and transformative.


  • We recognize that our work is human and requires us to explore our identities and cultures with humility and vulnerability.
  • We believe community engagement is core to a thriving democracy, and that change happens best through communities coming together for a common goal.
  • We strive to build a welcoming community that fosters belonging and understanding.

Equitable Inclusion

  • We believe in shared power and that the perspectives of those impacted by decisions must be meaningfully considered.
  • We value individuals’ lived experiences as expertise.
  • We name and recognize how systemic inequities have affected communities of color and historically marginalized and oppressed groups so we can intentionally imbue our daily decision making with equity.
  • We recognize that there is still work be done to build a fully representative, equitable, and inclusive democracy

Reflection & Growth

  • We name and reflect on both the intent and impact of our words and actions in order to continuously grow.
  • We continuously examine how power, privilege, and systems of oppression operate and impact ourselves, each other, and our work.
  • We strive for excellence, not perfection.
  • We respect vulnerability and encourage the ongoing process of discovering our own self- and collective awareness

Help us Grow

Your gift helps us build a better democracy one leader at a time.

Be a Donor

Our History

Today Mikva Challenge serves over 100,000 youth every year across the country. See what started it all.

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Our Footprint

Mikva has two Chapters that serve as our model sites and innovation hubs. Our partner sites provide Mikva curricula, training, and strategic supports to school districts around the country.

Our Locations

Our Team

We are a dynamic team of passionate professionals that believe in the power of youth.

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