News and Events.

Chicago Sun Times: Chicago youth offer public policy suggestions to city leaders through Mikva Challenge

From Chicago Sun Times By Nichole Shaw  Aug 18, 2021, 8:24pm CDT Chicago youth offer public policy suggestion to city leaders through...

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Teacher & Student Advisory Boards Inform Argumentative Writing Project

Mikva Challenge, with the support of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, has launched the Argumentative Writing Project to channel the...

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2021 Mikva Challenge IL Summer Fundraiser

Join us at Mikva Challenge’s 23rd Annual Summer Fundraiser Honoring Jacques Loveall President of UFCW 8-Golden State, Youth Champion Award Thursday,...

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Bridge Detroit: Detroit teens’ words are getting state, national attention

Bridge Detroit By Olivia Lewis June 3, 2021, 8:00am EST Detroit teens’ words are getting state, national attention

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The final tally is in – and WOW!

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Block Club Chicago: West Side Violence Prevention Group Helping CPS Design Alternatives To Cops In Schools: ‘A Whole Different Way Of Them Doing Things’

From Block Club Chicago. By: Pascal Sabino | Thursday, January 28th, 2021 West Side Violence Prevention Group Helping CPS Design Alternatives...

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WTTW: CPS Partnering With Community Groups to Rethink School Safety Without Resource Officers

From WTTW. By: Matt Masterson | Tuesday, January 26th, 2021 CPS Partnering With Community Groups to Rethink School Safety Without Resource Officers

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Chicago Sun-times: CPS partners with 5 community groups to develop new safety alternatives to in-school officers

From Chicago Sun-times. By: Sophie Sherry | Tuesday, January 26th, 2021 CPS partners with 5 community groups to develop new safety...

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100 Days // Youth Reshaping Democracy

Mikva Challenge develops youth to be empowered, informed, and active-citizens who will promote a just and equitable society. Join the Mikva...

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Chicago Tribune: Climate change and Abner Mikva documentaries this week on WTTW offer a couple of hours to think before Election Day

From Chicago Tribune. By Rick Kogan | OCTOBER 26, 2020 Climate change and Abner Mikva documentaries this week on WTTW offer...

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