Abner Mikva was a man of high principle who dedicated his life to public service. Born to humble beginnings in an immigrant family, he never wavered in his commitment to progressive politics and social justice. During his decades as a state legislator, member of Congress, a Federal Appeals Court justice and White House counsel, he remained true to his moral compass to try, in the finest Jewish tradition, to heal the world. Even after retiring from public life, he founded the Mikva Challenge, which seeks to lift up Chicago Public Schools students by providing them with opportunity for meaningful civic engagement. It is a program I am proud to participate in annually. Abner Mikva was not just a role model and mentor, he was also a neighbor and, I am proud to say, a friend. My sincere condolences go out to his wife, Zoe; his daughters Mary, Lauri and Rachel; and his grandchildren. May his memory be a blessing.

– Cook County Board President Toni Preckwinkle, 7/5/16