Project Soapbox New Castle County

This winter, more than 1,500 students in classrooms across Red Clay, Christina, Appoquinimink and Colonial school districts spoke up about an issue that matters to them. From those that qualified for the semi-final round, 10 powerful speakers gave their speech at the culminating New Castle County Project Soapbox Winter Mainstage event on February 11th.

We encourage you to watch and engage with these powerful videos, and share your support in the comments. We want to honor the speakers’ truth, and make sure this experience of making their voice heard on important community issues is just the beginning of a lifetime of civic engagement and advocacy!

Watch student speeches | Watch the Mainstage event

Mikva Challenge was honored to welcome the following elected officials, who participated in the event and provided live feedback to students during the New Castle County Project Soapbox Winter Mainstage event, along with other community leaders. Thank you for listening, encouraging and supporting the young people of New Castle County!

  • Senator Kyle Evans Gay
  • Senator Sarah McBride
  • Representative Krista Griffith

We acknowledge the generosity of Mikva Challenge donors. Thanks to the investment of Rodel and the Delaware Community Foundation, as well as the Bezos Family Foundation, we are able to uplift the visions, voices and leadership of young people – reaching hundreds of youth across New Castle County. Our transformational impact is only possible through this support. 

Teachers and students who want to learn more about how to get involved in the future, reach out to

Project Soapbox is a public speaking opportunity that calls on young people to develop and deliver an original speech on an issue that matters to them.

This winter, students from schools across New Castle County delivered speeches that answer the question: “What is the biggest issue facing your community, & what should be done about it?” Now more than ever, it’s important that students are empowered to speak and be heard, which is why Mikva students, teachers, and staff were so excited to participate in Project Soapbox virtually!

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