Soapbox Nation

Give your students an opportunity to amplify their voices on a national stage!


Project Soapbox builds empathy in the classroom, provides a positive outlet for youth ideas, and helps students connect to the power of their voice.

Soapbox Nation is the next level opportunity for students in Mikva Challenge’s Partner Sites or Chapters who have participated in Project Soapbox. Every year, a select group of youth speakers from across the country are chosen to deliver their speech in front of a national audience. Watch the powerful speeches of last year’s Soapbox Nation Finalists.


  1. Implement Project Soapbox with your students to help them connect with issues they care about and develop their case for making a change. Your students will develop original 2-3 minute speeches that answer the question, “What is the most pressing issue facing young people today, and what should be done about it?”
  2. Stay tuned for more information about participating in your local Project Soapbox showcase event from your Site Director. Not sure if you’re part of a Mikva Challenge Partner Site or Chapter? Reach out to
  3. One outstanding speaker from each Partner Site and Chapter will be selected to give their speech at the Soapbox Nation Mainstage event on May 22, 2024. Finalists will be announced at the end of April.


Soapbox Nation celebrates the power of youth voice and encourages students to become active participants in the civic conversation of their community – while fostering public speaking skills, critical thinking, and empathy for peers. 

Hear from 8th grader Joaquin, and teacher Jasmine about what the experience was like for them. 

Want to learn more?

Get inspired by watching Mikva’s 2023 Soapbox Nation Mainstage event. You can also find videos of all of last year’s finalists’ speeches here. Contact with any questions.

My experience made me feel powerful, that my voice mattered and that we have the power to change the world and we will.

Student participant
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