Our Impact.

By empowering youth to become engaged and active citizens, Mikva is strengthening our democracy today. Through surveys, interviews, and focus groups, we assess our impact on youth and our success in meeting our four core organizational goals.

1 Provide youth with authentic and transformative democratic experiences

72% Of students interning in offices of elected officials reported they want to be involved in politics in the future.

2000+ Students serve as election judges each election cycle.

135000 Students nationwide participate in Mikva programs each year.

2 Develop agency and future commitment to civic engagement

86% Of students in our Issues to Action program believe it is their responsibility to get involved to make things better.

83% Of Mikva Summer Fellows report intention to contact and interact with their elected officials in the future.

91% Of Mikva youth participants reported improved ability to analyze political issues and candidates’ stances.

3 Provide youth with skills and knowledge to be effective citizens

93% Of students in our Issues to Action program report they can work with their peers to solve issues.

89% Of students participating in our Electoral Engagement programs now understand how a primary election works.

4 Increase exposure, demand, and access to civic engagement

2600+ Teachers received professional development to increase student engagement in the classroom.

94% Of teachers in Mikva programs reported that their students increased their civic knowledge

500% Growth in the number of schools served in Washington, DC since the pilot year 

4000+ CA went from serving 1,200 students in 2016 to 4,000+ in 2018-19

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