Project Soapbox 2021-2022

Project Soapbox 2021-22

Every year, teachers around the country use Mikva’s Project Soapbox curriculum to help their students develop and deliver a two-minute persuasive speech answering the prompt: “What is the biggest issue facing your community, why is it important, and what should be done about it?” 

The program culminates in a citywide or regional event where young people give their speeches in front of local peers, community, and civic leaders. 

For our first events of the season, registration information can be found on the Project Soapbox Illinois and Washington, DC pages.

After the conclusion of regional and citywide events, 12 outstanding students will be invited to speak at the virtual Soapbox Nation Mainstage showcase on June 22, 2022. 

Join us in watching and engaging with the powerful speeches of young people from coast to coast. Listen to what youth across the country are getting on their Soapbox about:

Chicago, IL   |   Washington, DC  

Soapbox Nation

Every year, youth speakers from all over the country are invited to share their Soapbox speeches on this national platform – and 12 finalists are chosen for the culminating Soapbox Nation Mainstage showcase

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